Booking Hub Demo

Boost Appointment Show Rates from avg 10% to 30%

to 70% to 90%

Feel free to test it below, it is NOT A REAL APPOINTMENT.

Need Multiple Calendars

Group Calendar View aka Booking Hub

Dealership Booking Hub (Demo)

Need One Calendar

Individual Calendar View

Dealership Booking Hub (Demo)

Quick Meet & Greet (15 Min Demo)

15 Mins

Go Ahead & Book Appointment

Can I Book Fake Appointment to Test this? Yes!

Here is what will happen:

  1. Confirmation Text & Email will be sent to you

  2. Sequence of Appointment Reminders for fake appointment

  3. No Show Reschedule Request after appointment passed

Appointment Reminder Sequence: Each include an Email & Text

  1. Confirmation: Within 20 seconds after booking. Both Email & Text.

  2. Reminder 2 Days Prior to Appointment. Both Email & Text.

  3. Reminder 4 Hours Prior to Appointment. Both Email & Text.

  4. Reminder 15 Minutes Prior to Appointment. Text Only.

  5. Reschedule Request 1 Hr after Appointment if missed. Both Email & Text.


  1. Sequence is fully custom and can include:

  • Images (logo, memes, etc)

  • Links (inventory, credit app, etc)

  • Tracking (link clicks, Facebook Pixel for retargeting ads, etc)

For General Understanding

Why have a Booking Hub?

First remember your Lead Process:

  1. Get a lead.

  2. Call the lead.

  3. Try to Book a visit.

Realize the issues, our clients USED to deal with:

  1. A lot of customers do not show up or show up rate very low.

  2. Customers forget they had appointment and may or may not reschedule.

  3. Waste time waiting for customer to show, instead of lunch or a sales call or picking up your child.

  4. Double booked without the man power so customers sit in lobby impatiently decreasing their experience.

  5. Customers have Phone Call Anxiety talking to "Salesman" so it builds a rapport barrier immediately.

Our Solution "The Booking Hub"

  • MOST IMPORTANT is this helps INCREASE SHOW UP RATES from 10% to 30% to 70% to 90%.

  • COOLEST PART is how it works, we setup Appointment Reminders using Drip Campaigns from our in-house CRM. We create custom sequence of notifications using both email, text, and a little known gem Voicemail drops. From days, hours, and minutes before your scheduled appointment.

  • Control Booking Date and Time Slots by only allowing X amount per time slot to avoid over bookings.

  • Allow quick and easy Rescheduling and Cancellation for convenience on both sides helping you stay updated and avoid sitting around waiting.

  • Control Appointment / Distribution to specific team members or full departments.

  • Add to your website or use ours, either way we can make it work for you.

  • Branded and custom to you from colors, departments, service options, etc.

  • And more...

SMS / Email Marketing

Can you send the Calendar manually? Yes!

Once your all setup and decided which calendar(s) you'd like to have the use cases are endless.

We recommend to:

  1. Add to your website for a branded experience.

  2. Send via SMS or Email to allow customer to pick on their own time.

  3. Add to your email signature for a professional look.

Calendar Link View:

Group Calendar:

Individual Calendar:

Calendar Custom Options

Tech-Savvy? Dive in.

Meeting Details (1 of 5)

  • Logo

  • Availability.: Both Individual & Group Calendars

  • Names: Individual & Group Calendars

  • Description: Individual & Group Calendars

  • Branded Url: Individual & Groups (

  • Locations: Individual Calendars (Clickable on calendar directly to maps)

  • Meeting invite title & url: (Title of the event on customers calendar)

  • Team members selection (Optional): Can be specific members or department groups.

  • Distribution: Round Robin or Equal Distribution

Availability (2 of 5)

  • Meeting interval: Time between each meeting.

  • Meeting duration: Time length blocked on calendar.

  • Minimum scheduling notice: Cannot book within X time of current time.

  • Date range: How far ahead they can book.

  • Maximum bookings per day

  • Maximum bookings per slot (per user)

  • Pre buffer time: Additional time that can be added before an appointment, allowing for extra time to get ready.

  • Post buffer time: Additional time that can be added after an appointment, allowing for extra time to wrap up.

Forms & Payments (Optional) (3 of 5)

  • Custom Form per calendar (Optional): Default is name, email, number, and additional notes. Custom can be specific questions on financing or trade in's etc.

  • Sticky Contact: Advance option for multiple forms, surveys, etc.

  • Consent checkbox: Legal protection to allow you to market and send appointment reminders.

  • Add Guests: Allow customer to add guests like friends or family to the appointment.

  • Custom Confirmation Page: Default is basic information but you can also redirect elsewhere if you choose.

  • Facebook pixel ID (RECOMMENDED): Allows you to retarget customer on your facebook ads.

  • Payments: If applicable, can take payments from customer directly from booking. Normally used for service departments. Note you can do Partial Payments as deposits.

Notifications & Additional Options (4 of 5)

  • Acknowledgment email: Can be setup to all parties, or certain team members based on calendar.

  • Rescheduling or Cancellation Link (Optional)

  • Additional Notes: Open area for anything you would like to add in notes for customer.

Customizations (5 of 5)

  • Calendar cover image: For Booking Hub.

  • Primary color: Define the color for buttons, dates, time slots, and actions

  • Background color: Set the background color that serves as the backdrop for both date-time selector and form.

  • Button Text: Customize the text displayed on the button when booking an appointment

  • Allow Staff Selection (Optional): If your team is added to crm, customer can pick a specific team member.


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John Doe

Happy Customer

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Jane Doe

Happy Customer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

John Doe

Happy Customer

Office: Lorem Ipsum

Call xxx-xxx-xxxx


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